Page 943 - Table / kapposhikki28 - Japanese Tableware

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Catalogue no.20373-943 How to order
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Table / kapposhikki28-page 943

Category lists
1 : Tray1
2 : Tray2
3 : Tray3
4 : Tray4
5 : Table paper
6 : Bowl1
7 : Bowl2
8 : Bowl3
9 : Bowl4
10 : Buffet1
11 : Buffet2
12 : Buffet3
13 : Goods for dish up1
14 : Goods for dish up2
15 : Goods for dish up3
16 : Lunch box,bento box1
17 : Lunch box,bento box2
18 : Lunch box,bento box3
19 : Goods for sushi
20 : Goods for Japanese noodle
21 : Goods for Japanese eel restaurant
22 : Table
23 : Chair
24 : Chopsticks1
25 : Chopsticks2
26 : Goods for table1
27 : Goods for table2
28 : Goods for hotel
29 : Pot
30 : Earthenware
31 : Glassware
32 : Etc.
33 : Coaster
34 : Wagon